
  美国研究人员最近通过调查发现,越来越多 美国高学历女性倾向于在育儿上多花时间,甚至不惜辞掉工作。




  起初研究者认为这一现象并不普遍,但在调取了2007年之前的12份针对美国人如何安排私人时间的数据后发现,妈妈辞职 育儿已在美国渐成风尚。

是一部韩剧,里面金海淑演一个女高中生的母亲。 那个女高中生喜欢她的一个老师、












  For the first time, American women have passed men in gaining advanced college degrees as well as bachelor's degrees, part of a trend that is helping redefine who goes off to work and who stays home with the kids.

  Census figures released Tuesday highlight the latest education milestone for women, who began to exceed men in college enrollment in the early 1980s. The findings come amid record shares of women in the workplace and a steady decline in stay-at-home mothers.

  The educational gains for women are giving them greater access to a wider range of jobs, contributing to a shift of traditional gender roles at home and work. Based on one demographer's estimate, the number of stay-at-home dads who are the primary caregivers for their children reached nearly 2 million last year, or one in 15 fathers. The official census tally was 154,000, based on a narrower definition that excludes those working part-time or looking for jobs.

  "The gaps we're seeing in bachelor's and advanced degrees mean that women will be better protected against the next recession," said Mark Perry, an economics professor at the University of Michigan-Flint who is a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank.

  "Men now might be the ones more likely to be staying home, doing the more traditional child rearing," he said.

  Among adults 25 and older, 10.6 million U.S. women have master's degrees or higher, compared to 10.5 million men. Measured by shares, about 10.2 percent of women have advanced degrees compared to 10.9 percent of men — a gap steadily narrowing in recent years. Women still trail men in professional subcategories such as business, science and engineering.

  When it comes to finishing college, roughly 20.1 million women have bachelor's degrees, compared to nearly 18.7 million men — a gap of more than 1.4 million that has remained steady in recent years. Women first passed men in bachelor's degrees in 1996.

  Some researchers including Perry have dubbed the current economic slump a "man-cession" because of the huge job losses in the male-dominated construction and manufacturing industries, which require less schooling. Measured by pay, women with full-time jobs now make 78.2 percent of what men earn, up from about 64 percent in 2000.









www.budianjie.comtrue/chanhouhf/305278.htmlTechArticle美国研究人员最近通过调查发现,越来越多 美国高学历女性倾向于在 育儿 上多花时间,甚至不惜辞掉工作。 合众国际社23日报道说,加州大学圣地亚哥分校的研究人员加里和瓦莱丽·...

